This 8 week group coaching program is for empowered women who want to heal their relationship with money once and for all and consciously create your life instead of being the victim to your circumstance.

Rich in faith

Manifest the Money and Life you Desire

This program is The fa$t track to manifest the life that you truly desire

I know you are strong,

But does this sound familiar?

  • You’re not feeling confident and you’re ready to uncover the power that is within you so you stand strong in your worth.

  • You are sick and tired of struggling financially and are ready to heal your relationship with money once and for all.

  • You are ready to heal your childhood wounds that are creating patterns in your life that keep you looking outside of yourself for love, safety and validation.

  • You want your mind to be a sanctuary that supports your life and not a place you’re dying to escape from.

  • You’re ready to learn how to consciously create your life instead of being the victim to your circumstances.

  • You are ready be a master of your own energy and know you have it all already inside of you.

  • You feel like something is missing and it’s your connection to God, Source, The Universe.

It’s not your fault you’re feeling this way

Society has taught us from an early age:

  • The key to prosperity is through a scarcity mindset rather than abundance.

  • That we are not in control of our own fates, but victims to our circumstances.

  • That our worth is defined by how much someone else loves us.

  • That we are not powerful to chose our own path and create an abundant financial reality.

    These type of beliefs have shaped the reality that you are currently living in, creating feelings of not feeling safe, not feeling worthy and having a revved nervous system.

Features Of the Program

8 Weekly Group Coaching Calls 

  • We will meet every week as a group on zoom for 1 hour.

2 1:1 Mentorship Calls with Sarah

  • Private mentorship to help you work through your individual patterns.

2 Guest Coaches

  • Breathwork Session and Nervous System Healing

Weekly Meditations and Affirmations

  • You will receive these in your inbox each week to support the module.

Weekly Journaling Prompts and Homework

  • To help you uncover your patterns and get to know yourself better.

Access to Private Voxer Community 

  • We are all in this together and this is how we KIT in between calls.



Your True Authentic Self

Underneath the patterns, the programming and the limited beliefs you are an expression of God and you are already whole


Your Inner Child

Learn to make space for your inner child so you can integrate her in and take the reigns back from old patterns of not feeling safe, not feeling loved and not feeling worthy


The Laws of The Universe

Align with the energy of the Universe to create the life you desire and learn how to use these laws to be the master manifestor that you are



Create Harmony Within

Learn a technique to re-wire your limiting beliefs to shift from fear and worry and realign with God/Source/Universe


Your Heart Knows the Way

Let your intuition be your guide and Faith be your North Star as you cultivate a new way of being in the world.


The Wealthy Woman

Embody the energy of wholeness through reprogramming: cultivate self love, self respect, self confidence and know your worth


Activate Abundance

Heal your relationship with money and learn how to be in alignment with receiving.


A Prayer to The Universe

Get clear on what your desire is and learn how to create the life you have been dreaming of

What’s the promise?

After this course you will feel empowered and confident in yourself and your abilities to be loved, financially abundant and truly in the drivers seat consciously creating a life that before felt like a distant dream. You will learn how to shift your limiting beliefs and your perception to realign with The Universal Power that lives inside of you.

Hello Beautiful!


I am a spiritual teacher, a yoga teacher and a medicine woman and I focus on reconnecting women back to God consciousness that is within them and teach them how to reprogram their subconscious mind so they truly can feel confident and worthy to create any life that they desire.

My journey started 6 years ago when I decided to take a huge leap of faith and leave my marriage of 8 years when I had 2 little boys.  I watched the Universe meet me every step of the way as I created a whole new life for myself. I remember hearing “Your work in this world is to teach women how to trust themselves.” So I spent 6 years deeply healing and cultivating a new relationship with myself. It was my long journey with psychedelics that led me to this work of learning who I am underneath all of the programming, limiting beliefs, and fears of my mind. My path hasn’t been easy. I struggled financially for many years as a single mother and when I truly realized it was my perception shaping my reality, everything in my world changed. God is the ultimate source for all things and healing my relationship to money brought me fully to God within and to my purpose in this world. I want women to know they have all the power to create the life they truly desire and the present moment is always a new beginning.


If you are ready to cultivate a deep inner knowing that anything is possible, master your energy, rewire your subconscious beliefs, manifest with Faith all while you learn to love yourself fully, then this course is for you.